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Vanity Fair
Alan Odle did drawings in a humorous vein for the monthly American magazine Vanity Fair from 1920-29 (see The Life & Work pages 61-63 for details). Examples are shown on the webpages. The great mystery is who wrote the captions? Odle certainly wrote the caption headings as can be seen from The Round-up on the…
Harry Clarke & John Austen
After their joint exibition with Odle at the St George’s Gallery in 1925, both John Austen & Harry Clarke tried to get commissions for Alan. In 1928 Austen introduced Alan to his agency Sharmid, run by the Misses Sharman & Middleton. He also tried to interest the publisher Geoffrey Bles, who had published Austen’s Manon…
Letter to James Hanley
Letter to James Hanley about the frontispiece drawing for The Last Voyage, Alan being very accomodating on the price and Hanley did buy it. Its current whereabouts is unknown to me.
A Visit to Dorothy Richardson
By Richard Garnett, published under the heading Women of Today in the Yorkshire Post, March 3rd 1924) A visit to Miss Dorothy Richardson (Mrs Alan Odle) in her lodging off the Marlborough Road, in London. confirms one’s belief in the supremacy of mind over matter. She lives in an ancient terrace whose steps and of…
The Gypsy
This ‘review’ appeared on page 158 in the Tatler on the 4th August 1915. Who is the art editor of that new, curious, and interesting magazine “Gipsy”, (sic) which recently made its bow to the public. Mr Odle is a very clever decorative artist with a distinctive style, whose pictures possess something of the quaint…
Letter from Jack Lindsay
Forge Cottage Onslow Green Dunmow Essex Oct.8th 1930 Dear Alan Odle Thanks very much for your letter which gave me great pleasure to read…. It is very good of you to grant us a period of 3 months in which to pick up and find the new instrument for the production of…
Alan’s Odle’s Estate
The Probate Calendar for 1949 gives the following information: ODLE, Alan Elsden of Hillside Trevone Padstow Cornwall died 14th February 1948 Administration Bodmin 7 January to Dorothy Miller Odle widow. Effects £811 15s. Alan did not leave a will so his estate went to his widow, but of course there are no details, so we…
Gustave Flaubert
The Manuscripts entry book of the Chatto & Windus archive at the University of Reading records a manuscript submission in 1919 by Dorothy Richardson of a translation of Flaubert’s “The Legend of Saint Julian, Hospitaler” with illustrations by Alan Odle. It was declined, but there is no reader’s report extant to give a reason. Yet…
Letter to John Lane
32 Queens Terrace St Johns Wood Nov. 24th 1913 To John Lane Esq Dear Sir, I am thinking of paying you a visit today (Wednesday) Probably about 11.15 Yours very truly Allan Odle The mind boggles at the efficiency of the postal system if this could be posted then delivered before the appointed time. The…
Early Letter
32 Queen’s Terrace St John’s Wood Saturday 4.2.11 Dear Mr Richards I have some drawings (as yet in the initial stages) which I should like you see and approve before completion. I have been confined to my rooms for some time past with a bad cold – hence the delay. …